I’ve written eight novels and many short stories. The most recent novels—Vera Venti, Touched, Birdcage, Hidden Gems and Breakage—are published by Gurning Gnome. Click here to buy the electronic versions. Printed copies are currently available only from Amazon, but I hope it will in future be possible to sell them via other platforms. For more information, including reviews and news of the gnomefest video literary festival, go to the Words menu on my homepage, and select Fiction.

My latest novel, Vera Venti, is a grand, cinematic tale of love and obsession, and all the magic and deception of the moving pictures.  It’s available as paperback or ebook.

Here’s some of the feedback received from readers of Gurning Gnome titles:

‘Complex and delightful … Williams once again creates a world entire and convincing’ 

‘A modern-day fairytale … gently explores the continuum of sanity with sharp humour, novelty and insight’ 

‘An enjoyable and thought-provoking read.’

‘Loved it. Interesting how dangerous revisiting the past can be.’

‘Heartbreaking. Compelling. Acutely observed. Effortlessly and subtly witty …  beautifully and skilfully crafted.’


Singer Rebecca Allison (Martin) has been my musical partner in a bewildering range and number of projects. As Mezzopiano we performed opera, musical theatre, recitals, concerts and shows, including my verse play Smoke & Mirrors, based on the music of one of our favourite composers, Kurt Weill. Becca’s portrayal of twin sisters across four decades—singing in several languages—was a tour de force. She was an inspiration and a very dear friend. Becca died suddenly on 21st March 2016 after contracting sepsis. I’m immensely grateful to have known and worked with this lovely woman, and to have many recorded memories of her beautiful voice.


Here are two tracks of us performing together: Lost, from my new musical Melody; and No-one Is Alone, by Stephen Sondheim, a song with particular meaning for Becca and her family.